A Tribute to My Dad

I have a pleasant memory

of all those years gone by,

When once upon your knee

the time did swiftly fly.


When you would gently hold me

Secure from all the world,

And allow me to always be

Your precious little girl


You never expected me to be perfect

Just the best that I could be,

And now that you are gone, I’d like to be

Your reflection for the world to see.


Always accepting others as they are;

Greeting everyone with a smile upon your face,

To have an undying faith in God

And leave this world a better place.


Taking time to help a friend

Your love and skill to share,

To listen, encourage, and console

…Just always being there.


You showed me love and values

Always in your quite way

To cherish friends and family

And look forward to each new day.


You touched so many people’s lives

Changing more than you did know,

A hug, a handshake, or a song you sang

God’s love to others you did show.


So, Dad, you now have gone before us

Leaving so much of you behind,

Your love of life and of others,

And, my precious memories that will always shine!


I love you,



A tribute to Harold A. Myers

Joyce Elaine Myers Fike

September 8, 1989